Mexico is a country that boasts a diverse range of natural beauty, including some of the most impressive waterfalls in the world. From the towering Basaseachic Falls to the serene Misol-Há, there is no shortage of breathtaking waterfalls in Mexico.
In this article, we’ll provide an overview of the most famous and remarkable waterfalls in the country, along with some lesser-known gems. We’ll be looking all over the country, from waterfalls in Mexico near Cancun to waterfalls near Mexico City. So water-we waiting for? Let’s go.
Basaseachic Falls | Hidalgo

Basaseachic Falls (Photo: Manfred Gottschalk via Getty Images)
Located in the heart of the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range, Basaseachic Falls is one of the most remarkable waterfalls in Mexico. Also known as Cascada de Basaseachic, this waterfall drops over 800 feet into a canyon, making it the second highest waterfall in the country.
The waterfall is fed by the Duraznos and Basaseachic Rivers and flows year-round, although the flow can be higher during the rainy season. Basaseachic Falls is surrounded by a lush forest which is home to a variety of flora and fauna, including pine and oak trees, as well as cougars and white-tailed deer. The area around the waterfall is part of the Basaseachic Falls National Park, which is a protected area.
Cascada de Piedra Bolada | Hidalgo

Cascada de Piedra Bolada (Photo: Simon McGill via Getty Images)
At almost 1,500 feet, Cascada de Piedra Bolada (or Volada) is considered the tallest of all the waterfalls of Mexico. However, it is an ephemeral waterfall, flowing only in the wet season.
Cascadas de Texolo | Veracruz

Cascadas de Texolo (Photo: Ignativss via Getty Images)
Fed by both the Matlacobatl and Texolo rivers, the waters of Cascadas de Texolo plunge 250 feet into a turquoise pool. And, whilst it is the highest waterfall in the area, it’s by no means the only one. Located within protected wetlands, it neighbours several smaller waterfalls which traverse the rocky terrain, most notably Cascada de la Monja. The beauty of the location has long attracted filmmakers, with it being the backdrop for scenes in blockbusters such as Romancing the Stone (1984) and Clear and Present Danger (1994).
Hierve el Agua | Oaxaca

Hierve el Agua (Photo: Glow Images via Getty Images)
Hierve el Agua is a natural wonder known for its unique mineral formations and cascading waterfalls. The name Hierve el Agua means “the water boils” in Spanish, and refers to the bubbling mineral springs that flow from the cliff face. The mineral-rich water cascades down the rocky cliffs, creating a series of terraced pools and small waterfalls. The water is fed by the underground springs and flows year-round, although the flow can vary depending on the season.
Misol-Há | Chiapas

Misol-Há (Photo: Giulia Fiori Photography via Getty Images)
Misol-Há is a stunning waterfall that drops over 115 feet into a pool of clear water. The waterfall is surrounded by a lush jungle which is home to a variety of wildlife, including monkeys and parrots. The area around Misol-Há is also home to a number of caves that are worth exploring, as well as a small restaurant and picnic area.
El Chiflón | Chiapas

El Chiflón (Photo: Juan Carlos fotografia via Getty Images)
El Chiflón is a series of five picturesque waterfalls in Mexico’s state of Chiapas, approximately 25 miles west of the city of Comitan. They include La Corona, El Suspiro, Ala de Ángel, and Cueva de Los Murciélagos. The tallest one is Bridal Veil Falls, reaching 340 feet in height. Fed by the San Vicente River, the waters here are a captivating vibrant blue-green colour.
Agua Azul | Chiapas

Agua Azul (Photo: Jordo via Getty Images)
At no more than 20 feet high, Agua Azul, or “blue water,” is not the tallest waterfall in Mexico, but is arguably one of the most beautiful. Its water is a bright indigo, thanks to the high mineral content of the Shumuljá River, and drops over several tiers of rocky cliffs, creating a series of cascading falls. Located in the Municipality of Tumbalá, 43 miles or so from Palenque, Agua Azul is surrounded by lush jungle that’s home to a variety of flora and fauna.
Minas Viejas | San Luis Potosi

Minas Viejas (Photo: Westend61 via Getty Images)
Minas Viejas is a series of cascading waterfalls located in the state of San Luis Potosi. The waterfalls drop over a series of rocky cliffs and into a deep pool of crystal-clear water. The area around Minas Viejas is also home to a number of caves and underground rivers. The waterfalls are located in the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range and are accessible by foot.
Waterfalls near Mexico City

Cascada Apatlaco (Photo: Ivan Oso / 500px via Getty Images)
There are a surprising number of waterfalls near Mexico City, mostly hidden in one of the many nature reserves in and around the city. Los Dinamos and Iztaccíhuatl-Popocatépetl National Park are just two of these locations. The latter has several impressive cataracts, including Cascada Congelada. A bit further out is Cascada Apatlaco at Apatlaco Ecological Park.
Basaltic Prisms of Santa María Regla

Basaltic Prisms of Santa María Regla (Photo: CassielMx via Getty Images)
The basaltic prisms of Santa María Regla are walls of polygonal columns of basalt rock formed by cooled lava. It’s in the gaps of these wondrous formations that water from nearby dams finds an escape, falling in two streams, the smaller of which is known as Cascada de la Rosa. In terms of waterfalls near Mexico City, these are located approximately 80 miles northeast.
Waterfalls in Mexico near Cancun

Hubiku (Photo: Markus Faymonville via Getty Images)
Located in the flat, limestone landscape of the Yucatan Peninsula, there are very few waterfalls in Mexico near Cancun. However, that doesn’t mean a complete drought on falling water, just a slight shift in perspective. One thing that Cancun has in spades is cenotes; approximately 10,000 according to some estimates. These picturesque subterranean pools often contain waterfalls. Some of the best known include Ik Kil, Hubiku and Xcanche, all approximately 100 miles from Cancun.
The Waterfalls of Mexico

Cenotes in Yucatan (Photo: emicristea via Getty Images)
As we’ve seen, Mexican waterfalls are spread throughout the country and come in varying forms and sizes. There are those that result from rivers meeting cliffs, but also less conventional ones, such as the cenotes in Yucatan or the basaltic prisms of Santa María Regla.