What were the factors that led to the rise of the militaristic dictatorships in Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan, so soon after WWI, ‘the war to end all wars’?
What were the factors that led to the rise of the militaristic dictatorships in Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan, so soon after WWI, ‘the war to end all wars’?
Episode 1
What were the factors that led to the rise of the militaristic dictatorships in Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan, so soon after WWI, 'the war to end all wars'?
Episode 2
The Blitzkrieg allowed Germany to overrun Poland and France within weeks. How did this radical military tactic catch the Allies totally unprepared?
Episode 3
How close did Britain come to defeat by the Nazis? How did the RAF, code breakers and spies combined to hold the German war machine at bay?
Episode 4
Was Hitler's invasion of Russia the greatest military gamble of all time? A swift attack would ensure victory - Germany had only to avoid a prolonged conflict.
Episode 5
The attack on Pearl Harbour brought the 'sleeping giant', America, into the war, and saw the emergence of the aircraft carrier as the pre-eminent weapon of the seas.
Episode 6
Mussolini wanted to recreate the Roman Empire, but proved to be a poor military strategist. His incompetence contributed to Hitler's defeat.
Episode 7
Nazi submarines tried to cut supply lines across the Atlantic, while the Allies firebombed German cities. But was either action decisive in ending the war?
Episode 8
Russia was Hitler's graveyard. See how his undefeated armies were smashed by the seemingly limitless resources of the Soviet war machine.
Episode 9
How close did D-Day come to failure? Despite meticulous planning, deception plans and specialised equipment its success was always balanced on a knife-edge.
Episode 10
The Battle of the Bulge saw Hitler take his last gamble, throwing his reserve forces against the oncoming Allies in the Ardennes. How successful were his tactics?
Episode 11
The war in the Pacific against Japan was a savage hand-to-hand, island-to-island struggle, fought by new specialist fighting units like the valiant Chindits.
Episode 12
In Germany, Allied forces uncover the horrors of Belsen and Buchenwald, before pushing towards Berlin, where Hitler clings to power in his last desperate days.
Episode 13
With Germany beaten, the Allies turned their attention to Japan, who made them pay for every inch of gained ground. How was this last, great foe overcome?