It’s fall in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and that means the caribou are migrating. Plus, a bear ransacks a cabin, creating a food shortage.
It’s fall in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and that means the caribou are migrating. Plus, a bear ransacks a cabin, creating a food shortage.
Episode 1
The families prepare for the trapping season. Charlie assesses the damage caused by summer's wildfires. Heimo and Edna struggle to find game birds for dinner.
Episode 2
Winter is one month away so it's prep time. Charlie's fire-damaged trap line means a tough season ahead, so he preps hard and hunts for his winter meat.
Episode 3
Tyler and Ashley hope to get some modern amenities by installing a well in their cabin for easy access to water. Heimo takes Krin and Scott caribou hunting.
Episode 4
After four decades of adventure, trapper and woodsman Bob Harte has passed away. Heimo boats down to Bob's homestead to collect mementos for Bob's family.
Episode 5
With winter fast approaching, it's moose hunting season for the families. Krin is determined to kill a moose, after trying unsuccessfully for 17 years.
Episode 6
Tyler and Dustin build a smokehouse and go hunting for moose meat to fill it with. Nancy and Talisha make a pilgrimage to Bob's cabin to scatter his ashes.
Episode 7
The long winter has arrived and trapping season has begun. Charlie is offered a lifeline by an old friend after the summer fire destroyed his trapline.
Episode 8
Tyler takes a break from his line to help at home and spend time with Sydney. Krin heads out to check her traps and finds more than she was looking...
Episode 9
It's almost the end of trapping season, but the work is not done. Heimo is trapping for beaver, while Scott is using his new skills to try and snare marten.
Episode 10
Grateful for the chance Bob gave him, Charlie is working hard on Bob's old lines. The Seldens and Nelsons are packing up to leave after a successful season.