About The Show

The KBD Unit deals with three bear cubs on the loose while covert operations uncover illegal poachers and a junkie is found with a surprising stash.


Episode 1

Cougars On The Run

Washington's Fish and Wildlife Police search for stranded cougar cubs. In the Seattle harbour, an unsuspecting rock fish poacher is arrested.

Episode 2

Stuck Young Buck

While a salmon poacher is arrested in Seattle, a duck hunter with a criminal past is confronted. Plus, a trapped deer is finally freed from a storage compound.

Episode 3

Headless Elk

Washington State's Fish and Wildlife Police arrest a suspect with a criminal past. Plus, Canadian crabbers are caught illegally harvesting crabs in US waters.

Episode 4

Law-Breaking Father And Daughter

Washington State's Wildlife Police arrest a trespassing elk poacher. A father and his daughter are caught illegally harvesting white fish.

Episode 5

Caught On Camera

Officer Olson catches repeat offenders poaching more than five times the legal limit of squid. Officer Summit serves a warrant to a bear hunter breaking the law.

Episode 6

Crabs And A Crack Pipe

The Washington State Fish and Wildlife Police confront a lying hunter. Later, they have to deal with anglers illegally snagging salmon.

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