Episode 1
Elite builders face off to become the next Mythbusters crew and test two tall tales - the sideways ejector seat and infamous 'Deflategate' football.
Episode 2
The remaining competitors attempt to solve the myth about painting with explosives. And, they test the theory that alcohol increases creativity.
Episode 3
With two competitors eliminated the remaining builders attempt a cardboard boat. Plus, gun skills are tested when they probe the myth of targeting by sound alone.
Episode 4
Seven remaining competitors revisit the Needle in a Haystack myth and attempt to improve on the original team's techniques.
Episode 5
It's a myth straight out of the A-Team - can you make a weapon out of junkyard scrap? Then, they find what it takes to make a bike impossible to...
Episode 6
Is it possible to scale a building with vacuum cleaners? Could an amateur land a plane with radio instructions? The build team contestants find out.
Episode 7
The contestants must build a spy car that can blind a vehicle in pursuit. Plus, they spend six minutes in an open coffin filled with snakes, rats, and worms.
Episode 8
The remaining contestants tackle the two most difficult myths yet - a water heater rocket and a walking-on-water challenge - before the winners are revealed!