Episode 1
Join Chris, Nobu and Micah as they convert their diesel-guzzling bus to run on vegetable oil, and explore cutting-edge hybrid vehicle technologies.
Episode 2
Nobu, Chris and Micah get the solar tech lowdown from solar pioneers, install a panel to their bus, and then head to Oregon test drive The Human Car.
Episode 3
Chris, Nobu and Micah battle veggie engine trouble on the road to exploring solar concentrators, state-of-the art lighting alternatives and solar ovens.
Episode 4
Trek to the Midwest where Micah, Chris and Nobu get their hands dirty building a green roof for their bus and make worm compost for an urban farm.
Episode 5
The guys explore Midwest farming innovations and help turn cow manure into electricity, soy into roof coatings and straw into natural home insulation.
Episode 6
The guys check out bike-powered electric generators in Illinois and run into bus problems that threaten to derail their road trip.
Episode 7
In New York state, Chris, Nobu and Micah learn how to make biodegradable plastic, a skateboard with soy, hemp and bamboo, and home insulation with mushrooms.
Episode 8
The gang sees an invention that transforms sound waves into refrigeration, and then modify a ski lodge kitchen to take advantage of cold outside air.
Episode 9
Micah, Nobu and Chris travel down the east coast turning rubbish into electricity in New Bedford, Massachusetts, and generating power with revolving doors in New York.
Episode 10
The team travels to Colorado and finds out how to build houses that cost nothing to heat or cool, make solar panels and transform bicycles into motorised vehicles.
Episode 11
The team visits New Mexico to check out houses made from recycled scrap, turn gas-powered cars electric, and ride through the desert in solar-powered dune-buggies.
Episode 12
Travelling through Arizona, the team check out batteries made with pig manure, tours a self-sustaining 'smart' home, and makes fuel from brewery waste.
Episode 13
The team travels to Tucson, Arizona, where they install a hot water heater powered by the sun, and get a zero-emission air-conditioner for the bus.