About The Show

John D. Rockefeller, the king of kerosene, and Thomas Scott, the visionary behind the Pennsylvania Railroad, battle for control of America’s new oil industry.


Episode 1

Rockefeller Vs. Scott

John D. Rockefeller, the king of kerosene, and Thomas Scott, the visionary behind the Pennsylvania Railroad, battle for control of America's new oil industry.

Episode 2

Edison Vs. Tesla

In the late 1800's two great minds, Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla, build systems that will dramatically change life by bringing light and power to the world.

Episode 3

Carnegie Vs. Frick

Steel magnate Andrew Carnegie and coal king Henry Clay Frick join forces to create the most power industrial empire during America's Gilded Age.

Episode 4

Vanderbilt Vs. Drew

Railroad kingpin Cornelius Vanderbilt takes on his old friend Daniel Drew in a war for the Erie Railroad. Vanderbilt has millions, but Drew has a secret weapon.

Episode 5

Hearst Vs. Pulitzer

In the late 1890s, William Randolph Hearst challenges the king of newspaper publishing Joseph Pulitzer in a circulation war that will change publishing forever.

Episode 6

Daly Vs. Clark

The lawless territory of Montana remains up for grabs, and William Clark and Marcus Daly fight for control over the state and copper mines worth millions.

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