About The Show

Based on found alien instructions, scientists build a powerful quantum computer that can enhance the senses of the human/alien hybrid children.


Episode 1

The Aura

Ten years after the Mothership exploded, the military wants to turn the alien/human hybrids into super soldiers. An experiment reveals a mysterious blueprint.

Episode 2

The Entanglement

Based on found alien instructions, scientists build a powerful quantum computer that can enhance the senses of the human/alien hybrid children.

Episode 3

The Prophecies

More hybrids connect to the quantum computer. The combined brainpower is able to crunch unprecedented data and calculate the future - including weather and health.

Episode 4

The Escalation

More humans try to join the hybrid network with high-tech tools. Fearing the diminishment of its power, the U.S. launches an attack on the quantum computer.

Episode 5

The War

A war erupts between the quantum computer and the human-controlled computer, Queen. The U.S. military tries to neutralize the hybrid children with electromagnetic pulses.

Episode 6

The Time Machine

New data reveals a super comet that will miss Earth but slam into the Moon with enough force to jar it out of orbit. How will the planet, and humans,...

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