Dave Salmoni takes Denton Turner, who was attacked by a bear, and Anne Hjelle, who was mauled by a mountain lion, back to the scene of the attacks to help them with their trauma.
Dave Salmoni takes Denton Turner, who was attacked by a bear, and Anne Hjelle, who was mauled by a mountain lion, back to the scene of the attacks to help them with their trauma.
Episode 1
Stories of bravery as survivors of animal attacks recount their experiences. A couple are attacked by a cougar and a young girl is charged by a 400-kilo moose.
Episode 2
Stories of bravery as survivors of animal attacks recount their experiences. This time, an entire family is attacked by a lone wolf and a bison hurls a man through the...
Episode 3
Survivors of animal attacks recount their experiences. A 14-year-old girl is knocked off her surfboard by a huge sea lion and a kangaroo attacks a young boy.
Episode 4
A paraglider who was attacked by a wedge-tailed eagle and a man who was nearly drowned by a saltwater crocodile recount their experiences.