Known by myriad titles – from the Tenet Square to the Rotas Sator Square and the Templar Magic Square – its most celebrated moniker remains the Sator Square. This enigmatic tableau unfolds across a five by five matrix, etching the Latin lexicon: SATOR, AREPO, TENET, OPERA, and ROTAS into the annals of mystery. Its appearance, a mesmerising blend of sudoku-style logic and a word search’s allure, captivates and perplexes in equal measure. Beyond mere entertainment, the square hints at a deeper enigma, its tendrils reaching across continents from the Roman Empire to the Mediaeval world. Perhaps it’s the ingenious palindrome design of its words that hints at its profound allure, an intrigue that transcends time and geography.
So, what is the purpose of a sator square? Where did it come from? And what’s the meaning of sator and the other words it contains? We’re setting out to solve these puzzles and more.
What is a Sator Square?

Sator Square with palindrome and five words in latin on the stone. (Credit: ChiccoDodiFC via Getty Images)
A sator square is not an artefact or object. Rather, it’s a two-dimensional pattern made up of five words: SATOR, AREPO, TENET, OPERA, and ROTAS. These are arranged one atop the other in a five by five grid as follows:
The first point to note is that all five of these words are palindromes; meaning they can be read both backwards and forwards. Indeed, aside from tenet, each of the Latin words is the reverse of another within the square. Also, arranging them as a sator square adds yet another dimension, or rather two. Because, as part of this grid, each and every word can be read both ways not just horizontally, but vertically, making four directions in total. Therefore, the Sator Square is also a double acrostic, as each of its five words can be read both horizontally and vertically, forwards and backwards, creating an intricate pattern of palindromes that intersect and mirror each other in every direction.
As to their definitions, all but one are known Latin words. For instance, the meaning of sator can be translated as sower, planter, or farmer. Tenet is a conjugation of the verb “to hold,” meaning someone holds, keeps, comprehends, possesses or masters. Opera means care or effort, and rotas are wheels. Only Arepo has no meaning in Latin, leading some to think it a proper name. In seeking to decipher the meaning of this pattern, many have formed these words into sentences.
Seeking the Meaning of Sator Squares

Sator square, Church of San Lorenzo, Paggese, Marche. Italy, 14th century. (Credit: DeAgostini via Getty Images)
There have been various iterations of sentences composed of the sator square words. Among the most common are: “The farmer Arepo holds the wheels with care” and “Arepo the sower guides the wheels skillfully.” Over time, more and more of these interpretations have emerged, each linked to a theory as to the origins of the square.
A Templar Magic Square?

Church of Saint Peter ad Oratorium, Capestrano. Italy (Credit: DEA / A. DE GREGORIO / Contributor via Getty Images)
There seems to be no doubt that the sator square was part of mediaeval Christian imagery. There are myriad examples of its inscription on everything from bibles and talismans to churches. But was it originally devised as such?
Until 1936, the accepted wisdom was that, yes, the sator square was created as an early Christian symbol. By this theory, the “sower” was read as God, the Creator, the “wheels” read as “his tools,” meaning humankind. At some point in the Middle Ages, this interpretation led to the coining of the phrase ‘templar magic square.’ In mathematics, a magic square is a grid of integers, the sum of which is the same across each row, each column, and both main diagonals, as in sudoku. The sator square is considered to be a literary variant of this concept. The “templar” element is a reference to the mediaeval Christian military order of the Knights Templar.
Several other interpretations of the sator square seem to support the Christian origin theory. For instance, read in alternating directions, known as boustrophedon style, it’s been translated as “as ye sow, so shall ye reap.”
And then there is the Paternoster Theory.
The Paternoster Theory
The paternoster theory is very much a case of thinking outside the square. In that it completely rearranges the letters so that they are no longer a square at all, but a cross. Developed in the 1920s, this arranged most of the letters into the name of the Lord’s Prayer or “Pater Noster.” After this, two A’s and O’s remained, which were said to represent the symbolic Alpha and Omega.
It’s thought that the purpose of this encryption was to hide a secret Christian message during times of persecution.
Rotas Sator Square

Acrostic Rotas-Sator Square, ca. A.D. 165–256 (Credit: Sepia Times/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
There are yet more complications to understanding the sator square. Perhaps the most pertinent is that it also comes in the form of a ‘rotas square’. This is, essentially, an inversion. Both include all the same words and letters, but in opposite order, with the rotas version appearing as:
Until the 1930s, sator was considered the original version. For one thing, it was by far the most common version, especially throughout mediaeval Europe. What’s more, the earliest recognised example of either of the rotas/sator squares was in sator form in a French Carolingian bible from 822 AD. Note the use of the word “recognised.” An earlier instance had been discovered in 1889 in the Roman settlement of Corinium at Cirencester in England. However, academics at the time dismissed the notion that it was Roman, deeming it mediaeval. Only a finding in 1936 would alter that view.
That year, the rotas form of the square was found inscribed on a column in the Palestra Grande in the Roman city of Pompeii. Thought to predate 62 AD, it shifted the consensus towards what is now the more widely held belief: that the original form of the rotas/sator squares is the rotas form. This would, in turn, give rise to alternative hypotheses as to its origins and purpose.
Other Theories

Brass cryptex invented by Leonardo da Vinci (Credit: CobraCZ via Getty Images)
There are several other theories as to the origin of the rotas sator square, among them:
A Word Puzzle
Sometimes, the simplest answer is the right one. And, given that it looks like a word puzzle, there’s every chance that the sator square is just that. Those who support this theory point to the word Arepo. Or rather the fact that it’s not a known word or name. Assuming that it is neither of those things, the only reason for its presence is to perfect the palindrome.
Religious or Cultural Symbol
Aside from Christianity, several theories attribute the square to other cultures and religions. From Stoic to Gnostic, Mithraic to Orphic, many have been put forward. However, the most widely accepted of these alternatives is that it was a Jewish symbol. Supporters of this idea point to the fact that there was a Jewish population in Pompeii and that they faced persecution. They posit that it was a way of hiding Jewish symbols, citing both paternoster and the concepts of alpha and omega as being part of Judaism. Under this, the letter T in Tenet and the cross shape would equate to the Latin form of the Hebrew letter Tau.
Other Cryptographic Explanations
The square’s arrangement has also led to cryptographic and linguistic explorations, with some scholars proposing that it served as an ancient form of cryptography or held linguistic significance beyond its apparent message. While these theories offer fascinating insights, others, less accepted by mainstream scholarship, add to the square’s aura of mystery, though they lack substantial evidence.
Later Use in Folklore and Medicine

Catskill Mountains in the Appalachian range (Credit: Heritage Images / Contributor via Getty Images)
Whatever its original purpose, the sator square eventually became a symbol of magic and protection in European folklore. By the 12th century, it was featured in medical texts as a cure for rabies and fever, with a unique remedy of inscribing its words on bread before consumption. It evolved into a charm for good fortune in mediaeval times and was used to protect buildings in Germany from fires by inscribing it on walls. The practice followed European settlers to the Americas, where, into the 20th century, it was used by German settlers in the Allegheny and northern Appalachian mountains as a magical cure and protective charm.
Overall, the geographical spread of the square is vast, with examples found throughout Europe and as far afield as Syria and the Americas, indicating its widespread significance across different cultures and time periods.
In modern times, the rotas sator square has transcended its mysterious origins to find a place in art, literature, and popular culture, often referenced for its enigmatic appeal and speculated protective powers. The square’s enigmatic nature has also seen it dubbed the “tenet square” in contemporary discussions, highlighting its central, pivotal word and its thematic resonance in discussions about the square’s purpose and significance. The Sator Square’s cryptic allure even appeared in Hollywood blockbusters, being woven into the narrative fabric of Christopher Nolan’s film ‘Tenet,’ serving as a pivotal symbol which ties into the movie’s exploration of time, identity, and destiny.
An Enduring Impact

Sator Square - Sator, Arepo, Tenet, Opera and Rotas (Credit: Viktor Kostenko via Getty Images)
The sator square’s influence extends beyond its historical origins, inspiring artists, writers, and filmmakers. Its allure lies not just in its ancient roots but in the timeless human fascination with the unknown and the mystical. Scholars from various disciplines have dedicated considerable effort to unravelling the square’s mysteries, exploring its historical context, linguistic peculiarities, and cultural significance. Despite this cultural influence, the original purpose and meaning of sator squares remains one of the most perplexing of historical mysteries.