Publius Cornelius Scipio was the man who defeated Hannibal, the most formidable foe Rome had ever encountered. In the pantheon of history’s great military commanders, General Africanus rightly takes his place at the top table. As a warrior and world-class strategist, there is no better accolade than the fact that his methods of warfare are still studied 2,200 years after he died.
In the 1920s, British soldier Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart wrote of General Scipio, ‘The age of generalship does not age, and it is because Scipio’s battles are richer in stratagems and ruses—many still feasible today—than those of any other commander in history that they are an unfailing object lesson.’
Unfortunately very little is known of his life outside of his military achievements and in terms of Scipio Africanus facts, many are hard to come by. It’s believed he wrote an autobiography in Greek as well as works on strategy and warfare but they have been lost to the ravages of time.
Read on to discover the astonishing story of Scipio Africanus, one of the most accomplished soldiers of all time.
Scipio Africanus - The Early Years

Publius Cornelius Scipio (Photo: mikroman6 via Getty Images)
For such a well known historical figure, almost nothing is known about the early life of Publius Cornelius Scipio.
He was born into a patrician family around 236 or 235 BC in Rome. His father, grandfather and great-grandfather were all Roman consuls, the highest elected public office in the Roman Republic.
His first taste of the life of a soldier was in 218 BC when the future General Africanus was around seventeen. In the first year of the Second Punic War during the Battle of Ticinus – in which his father was commander of the Roman army – his father was injured and surrounded by Hannibal’s forces.
According to historian Livy, albeit writing 150 years later, Scipio charged forward alone ‘with reckless daring’ allowing his father’s guards to take the older man to safety. This story was also told by ancient Greek historian Polybius.
The Battle of Cannae

Scipio Africanus (Photo: Heritage Images via Getty Images)
Two years after Ticinus came the Battle of Cannae, bringing the forces of Hannibal together with the armies of Rome once again. P. Cornelius Scipio was about twenty and a military tribune. He experienced first-hand what Hannibal, at the time the world’s greatest military commander, was capable of.
Cannae was arguably Rome’s worst military disaster and many tens of thousands of Roman soldiers were killed or captured. The battle has long been viewed as an example of the perfect defeat of an enemy’s forces.
Scipio himself survived the disaster. With another young tribune, Appius Claudius Pulcher, they managed to convince thousands of survivors who were so ashamed at the manner of defeat not to desert.
Publius Cornelius Scipio was now hailed as a true leader of men, and while Cannae was a terrible defeat, the silver lining from this dark cloud was that he witnessed Hannibal’s military tactics and strategy at close quarters. It would leave him with much to consider.
Scipio’s experience at Cannae shaped his tactical thinking, leading him to develop innovative strategies that would later help him defeat Hannibal.
Scipio & Spain

Battle of Zama, 202 BC, Second Punic War (Photo: Nastasic via Getty Images)
In 211 BC at the Battle of the Upper Baetis, Scipio’s father and uncle were killed fighting Hasdrubal, Hannibal’s brother. Back in Rome, an election for the position of proconsul was held to command a new army being sent to Spain. No man wanted the responsibility, except Publius Cornelius Scipio.
With only around 10,000 men, Scipio travelled to Spain. Knowing each of the three Punic armies were dispersed and engaged elsewhere in the Iberian Peninsula, Scipio sensed an opportunity. Carthago Nova – New Carthage, modern-day Cartagena on the southwest Mediterranean coast – was the beating heart of Carthaginian power in Spain, and it was relatively undefended. Seizing this opportunity, he captured the city. With it he acquired ammunition, supplies and a strategic base for further endeavours.
Scipio’s next victory was against Hasdrubal in the Battle of Baecula in 208 BC and then two years later, he achieved what many historians believe to be his greatest military achievement. The Battle of Ilipa, probably near modern-day Seville in Spain, was a tactical masterclass which permanently broke the Carthaginian hold over the Iberian peninsula.
Scipio’s victories in Spain weakened Carthaginian influence and resources, ultimately contributing to the war turning in Rome’s favour.
Later in 206 BC, Scipio founded the city of Italica in southwest Spain, the birthplaces of Roman emperors Trajan and Hadrian.
At the age of 31, General Scipio was made consul. After further victories in 203 BC at the Battle of Utica and the Battle of Great Plains, Scipio negotiated peace terms with the Carthaginian government, however Hannibal himself soon broke them.
This led to one of history’s most famous clashes. Hannibal Barca and Scipio Africanus, two of the world’s greatest military commanders, faced off at Zama.
The Battle of Zama - General Scipio’s Finest Hour

The Battle of Zama (Photo: PHAS via Getty Images)
In October 202 BC, the two men met once again on a battlefield in the Carthaginian city of Zama in the far north of modern-day Tunisia. This time however, it would be Scipio who would prove to be the master tactician.
According to contemporary sources, numbers were fairly even – Hannibal had around 40,000 men and eighty war elephants and Scipio had something like 35,000 infantry and cavalry.
Scipio had carefully analysed Hannibal’s previous battles, particularly the Battle of Cannae, and developed strategies to counter the Carthaginian general’s signature moves.
At Zama, Hannibal’s forces included a formidable contingent of war elephants. Recognizing the potential threat these massive creatures posed, Scipio devised a clever solution to neutralise their impact on the battle. He arranged his Roman infantry in a checkerboard formation, creating gaps in the lines for the elephants to pass through.
As the elephants charged towards the Roman soldiers, they were guided into these gaps, effectively keeping them away from the main body of the infantry. Once the elephants were through, Roman soldiers closed the gaps and reformed their lines, maintaining their cohesion and minimising casualties.
In addition to this innovative tactic, Scipio also employed a flexible formation with his cavalry and infantry, allowing them to adapt to the changing dynamics of the battle. He placed a strong emphasis on coordination and communication between different units, enabling the Roman forces to outmanoeuvre and outflank the Carthaginians.
By utilising these ingenious tactics, Scipio was able to overcome Hannibal’s formidable army, securing a decisive victory for Rome and cementing his place as one of history’s greatest military commanders. The pupil became the master, and the survivors of Cannae could finally avenge their humiliation.
The Second Punic War was at an end and the terms offered to Carthage were so severe that it ensured they could never challenge the supremacy of Rome in the Mediterranean again. In fact as a military force, Carthage was finished.
Scipio Africanus & His Return to Rome

Ancient Rome, Triumph of Scipio (Photo: duncan1890 via Getty Images)
Not surprisingly he returned an all-conquering hero and was given the name Africanus in honour of his victory against Hannibal. It’s believed he was offered the position of dictator which he refused. For many years he lived quietly and peacefully, wanting no role in the complexities of Roman politics.
Yet, for all he did for the Roman Republic, Publius Cornelius Scipio still had enemies in the Senate. His success and popularity now made him a target for political rivals who sought to undermine him and advance their own careers. Scipio’s opponents attempted to bring legal charges against him, accusing him of misappropriating public funds and mishandling the peace negotiations with Carthage. The constant political pressure and personal attacks took their toll, and ultimately Scipio retired to his estate in the southwest Italian region of Campania.
He died aged about 53, possibly from a fever or, as some historical sources mention, by his own hand, so incensed he was at how the saviour of Rome was treated on his return. The true cause of his death remains unclear. As we mentioned, Scipio Africanus facts, outside of his military accomplishments, are almost impossible to confirm.
The Legacy of Scipio Africanus

Scipio Africanus, Ancient Roman General (Photo: duncan1890 via Getty Images)
Scipio was seen by many as cultured, humble and magnanimous, he was exalted by his troops and the people of Rome. He turned what was essentially a rag-tag militia into a competent fighting force that defeated Rome’s most dangerous adversary.
He became known, not just in his lifetime but in the 2,200 years since, as a master tactician and a soldier of almost unrivalled repute.
Scipio’s military tactics influenced later Roman commanders and contributed to the development of Roman military strategy. Indeed it’s no understatement to say that Scipio Africanus set the stage for the Roman Empire to flourish.