Sultan Boabdil of Granada – often known as Boabdil – was a tragic figure and an enigma. His story, both heartbreaking and fascinating, brings into sharp focus the cultural, political, and religious conflicts that characterised late mediaeval Spain. His reign was marked by a series of political intrigues, rebellions, and uneasy truces that ultimately saw him dethroned, imprisoned, reinstated, and eventually exiled.
The late fifteenth century marked the climax of what is known as the Reconquista, a series of campaigns spanning nearly eight centuries, during which Christian kingdoms aimed to reclaim Iberian territories held by Muslim states, known collectively as Al-Andalus. The Spanish monarchs, Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, were making significant efforts to consolidate their power and establish a united Christian Spain but Boabdil, the last Moorish king of Spain, stood defiantly in their way.
The Early Life of Abu Abdallah

Illustration of a Muhammad XII of Granada. (Credit: Nastasic via Getty Images)
Almost nothing is known of the early life of Boabdil. It’s believed he was born around 1460 in the magnificent Alhambra Palace in Granada to Abu’l-Hasan Ali ibn Sa’d, the twenty-first ruler of the Nasrid dynasty (known in Spanish as Muley Hacén), and his first wife Aisha al-Hurra, known as Aixa.
The Rise To Power of Abu Abdallah Muhammad XII
Boabdil’s route to the throne was beset by turbulent familial struggles, indeed the tensions that led to Boabdil’s ascension were rooted in the simmering power struggle between his father and his uncle, known as El Zagal.
El Zagal had accused Muley Hacén of putting the interests of his son and his first wife Aixa over the interests of the kingdom. These tensions were further exacerbated in the late 1470s or early 1480s when Muley Hacén fell in love with a Christian slave named Isabel de Solís, who he converted to Islam and married, taking the name Soraya.
Aixa was enraged and encouraged her son to start a rebellion against his father in 1482. Although he managed to capture Granada and was recognised as Sultan Boabdil of Granada, his victory was short-lived.
Invasion, Imprisonment and Intervention

Arms belonging to Boabdil (Photo by Universal History Archive/Getty Images)
Abu Abdallah Muhammad XII, the last Moorish king of Spain was fighting battles on three fronts. He was warring with his father and uncle who both considered themselves to be the rightful king of Granada, while at the same time – in a display of power against the growing tide of Christian dominance in Spain – he invaded the region of Castile in April 1483.
Boabdil was very quickly captured, it’s said, after his horse got stuck in the mud. He was imprisoned by the army of the Crown of Castile at El Moral Castle in Lucena. As an interesting aside, Boabdil was stripped of his clothes, shoes and sword and they were given to a Spanish nobleman. They remain on display at the Army Museum of Toledo.
During the period of Boabdil’s imprisonment, his father, Abu’l-Hasan Ali, reasserted his control over the throne. Nevertheless, the reign of Abu’l-Hasan Ali was cut short by his death in 1485. The power vacuum left in his wake was quickly filled by his brother, El Zagal, who ascended to the throne.
In the face of such familial turmoil and a divided kingdom, the Spanish monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, sensed an opportunity. In 1483, they facilitated Boabdil’s release from captivity under specific conditions outlined in the Pact of Córdoba.
Upon his release, Boabdil was given reign over the western portion of the Nasrid kingdom, while his uncle, El Zagal, retained control of the eastern territory. As per the terms of the Pact of Córdoba, Boabdil was obliged to govern his segment of the kingdom as a vassal to the Spanish monarchy, thereby effectively ceding sovereignty of his lands to Ferdinand and Isabella.
Furthermore, the pact demanded Boabdil’s non-interference in the Siege of Malaga in 1487. This decisive conflict, a pivotal moment in the Reconquista, saw the vital seaport of Malaga fall into Christian hands, significantly weakening the Nasrid kingdom’s strategic position.
Despite El Zagal’s steadfast resistance, the Christian forces gradually advanced, eventually taking control of his territories in eastern Granada and Almería. This left Boabdil, as the Sultan of Granada, presiding over the last remaining Muslim-ruled enclave in the entire Iberian Peninsula – the city of Granada. With the Reconquista nearing its completion, it was clear that the fall of Granada was a question of when, not if.
The Fall of Granada & The End of Muslim Rule in Spain

Boabdil after the surrender of Granada to Ferdinand of Castille (Credit: Bettmann / Contributor via Getty Images)
The Siege of Granada, the final and decisive event of the Reconquista, began in the spring of 1491. The forces of Ferdinand and Isabella surrounded the city, effectively cutting it off from any form of outside aid. The Christian monarchs had gradually consolidated their power and resources over the decades, and now their army dwarfed the forces that Boabdil could muster to defend his capital.
Despite facing overwhelming odds, the people of Granada held out for months, demonstrating resilience and a tenacious spirit. But the city was in a dire situation. Resources were dwindling, and a sense of desolation and despair permeated the populace.
Recognizing the untenable situation, Boabdil started negotiations for surrender in November 1491. These negotiations culminated in the Treaty of Granada, which was signed on November 25, 1491. The terms allowed Boabdil to maintain his title and promised freedom of religion for the Muslim subjects, among other conditions.
The official surrender took place on January 2, 1492. On this day, Abu Abdallah Muhammad XII, commonly known as Boabdil, handed over the keys of the Alhambra to the Spanish monarchs, symbolising the formal handover of Granada and effectively marking the end of Muslim rule in Spain.
The surrender was a solemn and poignant moment, and one observer described the scene thus:
“The Moorish sultan, with about eighty or a hundred on horseback, very well dressed, went forth to kiss the hand of their Highnesses.”
According to the final capitulation agreement, Boabdil did not have to kiss the hands of the Spanish royal couple, sparing him this last humiliation.
Legend has it that upon leaving the city, Boabdil paused for one last look at Granada, famously known as “the Moor’s last sigh.” It is said that his mother, Aixa, chastised his sentimentality with the biting words, “You cry like a woman over what you could not defend like a man.”
Thus ended the reign of the last Muslim King in Spain, a historical event that marked the completion of the Reconquista and the beginning of a unified Christian Spain. Boabdil’s surrender not only marked the end of an era but also set the stage for Spain’s emergence as a major global power.
Exile, Death & Legacy of the Last Moorish King of Spain

View of the Alhambra Palace, Granada (Credit: JORGE GUERRERO/AFP via Getty Images)
There are conflicting reports as to what happened to Sultan Boabdil of Granada. It’s generally agreed however that he was given an estate in Las Alpujarras, a mountainous region in southern Spain. On his way out of Granada for the last time, it’s told that he reined his horse and wistfully looked back at the Alhambra with a tear in his eye.
He probably settled in the Moroccan town of Fez where he was nicknamed ‘el rey chico’ or ‘the little king’, not because of his height but for the fact there was no kingdom left. It’s believed he died there around 1533.
The reign of Boabdil, marked by a series of political and military missteps, has often been criticised, casting him as a tragic or even weak figure. However, some historians argue that his actions, particularly towards the end of his tumultuous reign, were driven by pragmatism and a desire to limit the suffering of his people in the face of inevitable defeat. Indeed he was a significant figure at the crossroads of Spanish history.
Thus, Boabdil’s ultimate legacy is an intricate tapestry of historical significance, controversial decisions, human drama, and rich cultural influences. His story serves as a potent symbol of the end of an era, the confluence of cultures, and the often tragic nature of historical change.