
Episode 1


Three ex-layabouts are hoping to turn their life around by working in the thousand-degree heat of one of Britain's biggest steelworks, closely followed by their mentor.

Episode 2

Aircraft Salvage

With one job on offer the three hopefuls head to Blackbushe Airport where for two weeks they will be working to tight deadlines stripping and recycling massive aircraft.

Episode 3

Merchant Seamen

Three unemployed lads work as deckhands on a massive cargo vessel as she sails across the North Atlantic in freezing winds of over 100 miles per hour.

Episode 4

Mountain Safety Team

Three more layabouts are given a chance to redeem their former lives by working as engineers on Britain's highest mountains, coping with extreme elements.

Episode 6

Boat Builders

The three hopeful trainees will spend two weeks together in a Norfolk boatyard as they learn the dirty and challenging trade of boat building.

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